Nel's New Day

November 21, 2022

DDT Unpopular, Facing Serious Legal Problems

Sad to say, the media cannot avoid covering Deposed Donald Trump (DDT) with his corruption and lust for the limelight. The last two melded together in his announcement for another run at the presidency in two years during a party at Mar-a-Lago on November 15. Security had to keep people from leaving his speech.

DDT had thought the grand success of GOP elections a week before would give him a triumphant lead-in to his campaign, but it miserably fizzled. Republicans lost the Senate—again—and the GOP has a majority of one in the House while five races are still undecided. Furious with his many losses, DDT attacked House Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), convinced weak Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) he could be Speaker and manage all the crazies turned loose, and failed to destroy Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for winning because of his gerrymandering House districts.

The crazies are the only ones left to support DDT; reasonable parts of the right wing have turned against him. National Review’s Dan McLaughlin tweeted, “This is delusional, mental-breakdown stuff.” Fox News contributor Joe Concha called it “unhinged, sophomoric stuff that is completely unprovoked.” From the conservative Wall Street Journal came “Trump Is the Republican Party’s Biggest Loser.” Featuring DDT in its Humpty Dumpty cover visual, the New York Post defined him as “perhaps the most profound vote-repellant in modern American history.”

A lead group of GOP politicians trying to oust DDT are the 2024 wannabe presidential candidates.

DeSantis has bragged about all the members he sent to the Congress (not mentioning it’s because of his gerrymandering); he’s edging out DDT in the polls.

Two-term New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said that Republicans “keep losing and losing and losing and that “the reason we’re losing is because Donald Trump has put himself before everybody else.” He continued by saying DDT’s refusal to leave his 2022 defeat is “not what this party stands for” and that “it’s not what it should stand for in the future, and we’ve got to stop it now.”

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu said that “candidate quality matters. I got a great policy for the Republican Party: Let’s stop supporting crazy, unelectable candidates in our primaries and start getting behind winners that can close the deal in November.”

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), the head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and DDT’s choice to replace McConnell for Minority Leader, complained that “the current strategy of most Republicans in Washington is to only be against the crazy Democrats—and they’re crazy—and never outline any plan what we are for and what we will do. That is a mistake.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who was against DDT until he was for DDT accused Republicans of spending far too much time preaching to the choir when they talk to the same 2.6 million people watching Fox network every night.” He also complained, “Republicans in the Senate don’t fight” and told GOP senators to “pick two or three or four things that matter and say, ‘We believe in it.’”

Mike Pompeo, CIA director and secretary of State under Trump who is considering a presidential run, agreed that he’s “tired of losing.”

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem called for new leadership.

Outgoing Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, one of the most reasonable governors in his party, argued the GOP is “desperately in need of a course correction” and DDT’s overselling of bad candidates caused significant damage. Like others, he ridiculed DDT’s earlier claim that people will get tired of winning after his election. 

Only one GOP senator, Tommy Tuberville (AL) says he will support DDT; no others openly spoke up for him.

Lindsey Graham (SC), supposedly DDT’s good friend, only said DDT will be “hard to beat.”

Sen. Mitt Romney (UT) said no one raised a hand in a private GOP senators’ meeting when asked if they want DDT to announce he’s running for president. A second senator agreed.

Kevin Cramer (ND) likes Mike Pompeo for a candidate.

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) refused to commit, saying that DDT as a candidate is a “theoretical.”

Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) identified DeSantis as the de facto leader of the Republican Party. 

Wealthy donors also bailed on DDT. Hedge fund manager Ken Griffin also plans to support DeSantis, calling DDT a “three-time loser.” Stephen Schwarzman, CEO of private equity giant Blackstone, plans to support DDT’s challenger because “America does better when its leaders are rooted in today and tomorrow, not today and yesterday.”

Political committees controlled by or closely affiliated with Trump have a total of nearly $112 million in the bank, but only $13.5 million can legally be used for DDT’s campaign. Most of the money was raised by a PAC and committees not officially part of DDT’s presidential campaign. To dodge restrictions, DDT’s PAC transferred $20 million to a new super PAC, MAGA, run by DDT aides although super PACs are legally bound to be independent of candidates. A complaint has been filed for violation of federal law in this transfer.

Before his grand candidacy announcement, DDT called GOP elected officials and demanded they endorse him. He said “those who waited too long” were “not gonna like” their fate when he wins. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was the only congressional member to attend. Even daughter Ivanka wasn’t available despite DDT begging her to come. 

DeSantis also violated state-level fundraising records for this year’s gubernatorial election with about $90 million remaining. Moving that money to a super PAC for his candidacy would also violate federal law.

New special counsel Jack Smith, appointed by DOJ AG Merrick Garland, will investigate DDT, including his likely criminality in Georgia attempting to pressure officials into overturn the state’s vote for Joe Biden in 2020 and DDT’s mishandling of sensitive government documents at Mar-a-Lago. Both these cases have a number of charges. Smith will also focus on “whether any person or entity unlawfully interfered with the transfer of power” on January 6, 2021.

One of the classified documents DDT squirreled away at Mar-a-Lago proves he tweeted a classified image when he sent the detailed photo of the Iranian launch pad where officials failed to launch a purported satellite. The image was photographed by an important U.S. intelligence asset, a classified spacecraft called USA 224 believed to be a multibillion-dollar KH-11 reconnaissance satellite. The image has now been declassified, but DDT lied by saying he declassified the image and had the authority to do so. DDT frequently mishandled national secrets, as shown by a TOP 10 list, and proved himself to be reckless and irresponsible with sensitive information, his accusation against Hillary Clinton regarding her emails during the 2016 campaign and since then.

The prosecution has rested in the Trump Organization tax avoidance fraud trial. Longtime CFO Allen Weisselberg testified for the prosecution to keep his prison sentence shorter. The criminal case implicated DDT and his children, Don Jr. and Eric, because they all signed checks to avoid taxes. DDT authorized the scheme to reduce Weisselberg’s taxable income—and the IRS taxes owned by the company. He is still being paid $640,000 a year, including a $200,000 increase from Eric and Jr. in 2017 after they discovered his tax fraud, plus a $500,000 bonus. 

Alvin Bragg, Manhattan DA, is jump-starting its criminal investigation into DDT regarding his hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels who said she had an affair with DDT. As in all other cases, DDT claims innocence.

Ivanka failed to escape having a court-appointed monitor watch over her financial activity so that she wouldn’t shift assets before legal actions against the Trump Organization. She remains a defendant in the case regarding the shell company haven, Trump Organization II, set up in Delaware on the same day that a $250 million lawsuit against DDT and his businesses.

DDT’s former chief of staff John Kelly refused to use government agencies to investigate or harass individuals DDT identified as enemies such as former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, former CIA Director John Brennan, two FBI employees Trump targeted for their involvement in the probe of Russian election manipulation, etc. After Kelly left, Comey was a target of extensive IRS audits, two of 5,000 audits out of 153 million returns filed, a 0.0033 percent chance. McCabe was one of 8,000 audits the next year when 154 million people filed, a 0.0052 percent chance. The “random” claim doesn’t wash.

The Department of Homeland Security ensnared hundreds, if not thousands, of U.S. protesters, in a scam before the 2020 election to push DDT’s false claims about the “terrorist organization” he accused Democrats of supporting. The report, released by Sen. Ron Wyden (R-OR), showed orders given to “senior leadership” requiring them to broadly apply the label “violent antifa anarchists inspired” to Portland protesters unless they had intel showing “something different.” DHS’s acting chief intelligence officer ordered all violence in Portland (OR) to falsely be the work of “Antifa,” and the media went along. The project cost $1.5 billion.

DDT had a grand plan for winning the 2024 presidential election. He would install election deniers in swing states as secretaries of state, and they would declare the election for him even if the majority of people in the state didn’t vote for DDT. After they won the election on November 8, he would declare his presidency after all his candidates won the 2022 midterms. His candidates suffered a rout, and the plan failed. Only four election denying secretaries of state—Alabama, Indiana, South Dakota, and Wyoming—defeated ethical opponents in the red states.

October 29, 2021

Conservatives Turned into Snowflakes

Earlier this week, I wrote about the Republicans’ attack on DOJ AG Merrick Garland when he asked law enforcement to investigate protesters’ violence of protesters at school board meetings. I omitted the defense given by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for a man giving a Nazi salute at a meeting and chanted “Heil Hitler.” Cruz tweeted he “was defending the right of citizens to denounce authoritarian policies” but didn’t respond to questions about his Nazi support. Three years ago, he gave the same support after a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs killed 11 people at the Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue. Cruz complained that “lefty journos” reporting on his remarks were either “dishonest” or “not very bright.” Formerly Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) compared people supporting President Joe Biden’s vaccine push for vaccinations to “brown shirts.” Texas has seen increasing incidents of anti-Semitism such as a neo-Nazi group, wearing swastikas, who hung an anti-Semitic sign from an Austin freeway overpass and the graffiti of swastikas and racial slurs at an Austin high school with a sizeable Jewish population.

In another bizarre situation, Wisconsin has hired someone to help out with an election “audit” because the former Supreme Court justice, voted out of office, doesn’t understand the election process. Her name is Carol, but no one, including Carol, will give her last name. No one knows if she is a lawyer, administrative assistant, or whatever. The former justice, Michael Gableman, began his job as “audit leader” under an alias and has done his work in secrecy, even using a Gmail account under the name of John Delta. Staff email accounts have only digits, not names, keeping them secret.

Last week, a nonpartisan audit of the 2020 election in Wisconsin found no widespread fraud, and a key Republican legislative leader, Robert Cowles, said the results prove the state’s elections are “safe and secure.” But Republicans say they will review the independent audit. GOP Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos ordered the next investigation, now expanded to a cost of over $676,000, because Deposed Donald Trump (DDT) told Vos he was doing too little to probe the election. Vos said the counts will run into 2022–the election year. The legal audit found four people who might have voted twice out of approximately 3.3 million votes with Biden winning by about 21,000 ballots.

Republicans have long called Democrats “snowflakes” because they believe in political correctness—presenting accurate information, not using vicious names for opponents, not hitting them, etc. Today’s Republicans have become the epitome of “snowflakes” such as not having any books available in schools that might make White students “uncomfortable.”

A recent case of GOP snowflakitis comes from the January 6 insurrectionists. DDT supporters have protested the treatment of dozens of the U.S. Capitol rioters held in a Washington, D.C. jail, complaining about civil rights violations. Defendant Christopher Worrell has become famous for right-wingers because of his self-proclaimed health issues. At an October 13 hearing, Worrell’s lawyer said jail officials had not given the defendant medical care for a broken finger that needed surgery. He was also diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and contracted COVID in jail. Prosecutors said Worrell “invented” his medical needs. Other riot defendants complained about their perception of unsanitary or unsafe conditions in the same jail.

Judge Emmet Sullivan explained his awareness of difficulties for defendants to access evidence in their cases to prepare for trial but said the defendants should talk directly to their jail. He said:

“They’re running a jail, not a hotel. Some people want hotel services.”

One doctor called the finger surgery an “elective procedure” because Worrell didn’t like the way a fracture had healed. He added that surgery risks “may outweigh the benefits” and “that ulterior motives are at play.” On May 17, Worrell was treated with a “closed reduction” and a splint for his broken pinky. He has been charged of storming the U.S. Capitol with other Proud Boys and assaulting federal officers with pepper gel spray.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) is one of biggest defenders of the January 6 insurrectionists, saying they would be better off at Guantanamo Bay because their treatment would be better there. Describing rioters attempt to overturn U.S. democracy, he’s upset “that American citizens are being treated so much worse than individuals that want to destroy America.” Last May, he said, “Their only crime was supporting Donald Trump” and another time accused Democrats of setting up Capitol rioters. He added that Democrats were trying to “intimidate us from not protesting.” In Summer 2020, Gohmert wanted to use the RICO act against anyone committing criminal offenses during protests.

Minnesota state Sen. Mark Koran (R) is asking for donations for his constituents facing charges in the January insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. He claims four members of the Westbury family are being punished for having “opposing views.” The fundraiser, called “Legal Fees 4 family fighting tyranny 4 you,” is available on the so-called Christian fundraising platform, GiveSendGo. With a goal of $50,000, the site shows about $3,500 raised thus far.

Jurors being considered in the current civil-lawsuit trial are calling the antifa a “terrorist organization” and blaming them for the violence by neofascists at the 2017 “United the Right” rally in Charlottesville (VA) where instigators killed a woman. Attorneys tried to disqualify any jurors who had a favorable view to the antifa movement. One juror who described antifa as “troublemakers” said he heard only about the movement on TV and doesn’t consider anti-Semitism a serious issue. He added it isn’t a problem “where I live.” The judge refused a request to strike the juror describing antifa as a “terrorist organization” as well as jurors with more neutral views.

Of the 25 organizers and participants on trial, Christopher Cantwell (right), is acting as his own lawyer. Christopher Miller described his opening appearance:

“Wearing a blue shirt without a tie or jacket, he proceeded to name-check Mein Kampf, drop the n-word, plug his far-right radio program, call himself ‘good-looking’ and a ‘professional artist,’ and blast antifascist activists all in a matter of minutes. Surprising nobody in the courtroom, Cantwell, who prepared for this moment with help from two other neo-Nazis in prison and spending evenings watching Tucker Carlson, said ‘I’m not a lawyer … [but] I’m the best attorney I could afford.’ He added, ‘And I didn’t even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.’” 

Also representing himself, another white supremacist, Richard Spencer, was cut off three times in his opening statement, one time when the federal judge stopped him from ranting about the Black Lives Matter protests. The third time was Spencer’s lecture on the importance of his case on the concept of “justice.” In an effort to excuse himself from the lawsuit, Spencer falsely claimed Cantwell was an “acquaintance” and had exchanged only “a few” test messages with him and “ate lunch one time.

Not all Republicans are supporting DDT’s “big lie” of a stolen election. Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s GOP Secretary of State, is coming out with a book in November, Integrity Counts, in which he describes how he and his wife were targeted by DDT and his supporters with violent threats. He also criticizes other Georgia Republicans for not speaking out against DDT’s lies about election fraud and for removing him from chairing the Georgia Board of Elections this year. Raffensperger said these Republicans lack “moral courage.”

Reps. Ann Wagner (R-MO) and Michael McCaul (R-TX) voted against holding Steven in criminal contempt for refusing the congressional subpoena, but they evidently weren’t happy about their votes. According to McCaul, Republicans protected Bannon because of the “wacko birds” in their party. The comment came during a casual conversation when someone said they hoped Wagner would get a more conservative district from re-districting for an easier re-election. Wagner said she didn’t want a more conservative district because “then you get those wacko birds.” McCaul agreed, saying they were “why we had to vote the way we did today.” This may be the last time McCaul speaks around the press.  

A huge case of GOP snowflakitis comes from the recent book banning. It has become the basis of the GOP candidate’s campaign for Virginia governor after a mother reported the “trauma” her son suffered from reading Nobel-prize winning Toni Morrison’s Beloved. At the time, he was 16 and taking an advance-placement English class. Now recovered, the son is a lawyer working for the Republican party. Less than a year ago, GOP snowflakes were traumatized by the Theodor Geisel Foundation’s decision to discontinue publication of six books by “Dr. Seuss” because of racist portrayals of some characters. Conservatives used the decision to blame Democrats for “cancel culture.” A few months later, the same conservatives demand the censorship of any books they describe part of critical race theory in their attempt to block any view of racism. The protection of Dr. Seuss’ outdated books morphed into the banning of any book that makes White people “uncomfortable,” a term used by an increasing number of laws in red states.

Now the conservative snowflakes are terrified of masks and vaccinations so they bully anyone who tries to protect their own and others’ health. And GOP leaders cannot buck DDT. Who’s the snowflake?

January 10, 2021

GOP Clings to Violence, Lies

For months, Dictator Donald Trump (DDT) blocked transition efforts for duly elected President-elect Joe Biden and fomented violence by spreading lies about election rigging in his frantic attempt to retain his seat in the Oval Office. Conservative media and the GOP lawmakers both terrified of him and wanting his approval enabled his illegal activities and evil methods. His threats and fear-mongering came to a head on January 6 in his last-ditch attempt to overturn a U.S. presidential election.

Last Wednesday, white thugs, primarily male, stormed the Capitol primarily male, breaking in windows and forcing doors open. Of five deaths thus far, two of them members of the Capitol Police, the most recent, apparently from suicide, occurred on Saturday. The other four deaths: a Capitol police officer struck with a fire extinguisher by a DDT supporter inside the Capitol; a woman crushed by DDT’s supporters while they tried to take over the Capitol; a 14-year Air Force veteran from San Diego shot by a Capitol police officer while trying to force her way into the area where congressional members were sheltered; a computer programmer suffering a stroke after organizing a bus of DDT’s supporters; and a man dying of a heart attack.

Terrified members of Congress and their staff barricaded themselves inside Capitol rooms with furniture while the mob searched for them, threatened violence against them, and stole their government equipment. Before the joint congressional session on January 6, Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who has resigned, assured lawmakers of their safety from the huge crowds. The officers lost control, and desperate lawmakers called to beg for help from the secretary of the Army, the acting AG, chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, nearby states’ governors, the D.C. mayor, etc. The mob was following DDT’s directions after he called on his “patriots” to wreak violence and overturn the election on January 6.

No arrangement was made for the National Guard to back up the Capitol police, and DDT rejected the idea even after the mob was in the Capitol. Only DDT’s new acting defense secretary, Chris Miller, could mobilize the guard to help lawmakers, and he stalled. Maryland’s Gov. Larry Hogan, who kept asking for permission to send his state National Guard, was refused for hours. After Sund got around to asking for Guard assistance, none came for hours. Meanwhile, the mob cornered Capitol Police officers and beat them.

The life-threatening crisis for congressional members is now over, but they may still not be safe. Hiding in large groups for several hours on January 6, they may have been exposed to COVID-19 when several GOP legislators refused to take any precautions. Republicans such as Reps. Andy Biggs (AZ), Michael Cloud (TX), Markwayne Mullin (OK), and Scott Perry (PA) refused to wear masks although Democratic Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE) offered them to the men. Rep. Jake LaTurner (R-KS) tested positive that evening, but his spokesman said he wasn’t in that particular lockdown location. Rep. Charles J. “Chuck” Fleischmann (R-TN) also tested positive after having “contact with another infected Member of Congress, with whom I share a residence in D.C.”

No support from the Pentagon, the acceptance by some GOP leaders for DDT’s incitement to violence, and the possible involvement from insiders to help the mob members is disgusting enough, but DDT’s loyalists at the Pentagon have gone to excess in their protection of DDT. In a slanted timeline, the Pentagon refers to the open sacking of the Capitol and threats to kill congressional members as “First Amendment Protests.” That’s what they called men in tactical gear wandering the House and Senate in search of hostages with others spreading feces on the walls and all attempted a violent takeover of the U.S. government through overturning a legal federal election. [Above left: mob members tear down the U.S. flag to replace it with a DDT flag.] Even in the coverup, however, the Pentagon had to show how long it delayed in trying to save the lives of members of the U.S. Congress on January 6.

Rep. Jim Jordan, well known for his concealing how a University of Ohio athletic doctor sexually abused a large number of Jordan’s wrestlers and other athletes, wants to conceal DDT’s crimes. He maintains impeachment is “not healthy for the nation.” To Jordan—and many other Republicans—sweeping all the crimes under the rug will help “unite” the nation. Their position is that Democrats can unify the United States by accepting anything Republicans want.

On January 8, even self-identified Democratic Rep. Kurt Schrader (OR) opposed impeachment and called it a “lynching” of DDT with the GOP excuse of unifying the nation. After Schrader’s statement, one of Oregon’s most important Democratic political consultants dropped him as a client. Mark Wiener, head of Winning Mark, wrote:

“Comparing the impeachment of a treasonous President who encouraged white supremacists to violently storm the Capitol to a ‘lynching’ is shameful and indefensible.”

Schrader continually offends his Democratic constituency (to clarify, he “represents” the district where I live), but he may know he’s gone too far in supporting Republicans. On Saturday, he tweeted:

“This President is a clear and present danger to our country. While I have pushed other remedies for his criminal conduct, impeachment is the tool before us and warranted for his seditious acts. I will be voting yes on impeachment when brought to the House floor.”

To answer Republicans who say that the way to unify the country is to leave DDT unpunished:   

  • 57 percent want DDT immediately removed from office.
  • 70 percent of those who voted for DDT in November oppose the sacking of the Capitol.
  • 70 percent disapprove of his actions leading up to the mob taking over the Capitol. (Only 12 percent approve.)
  • 79 percent describe the mob as “criminals” or “fools.” (Only five percent call them “patriots.”)

A few Republicans have started to oppose DDT’s incitement to violence and the mob storming the capital, but the GOP party clings to their dear leader. Four years ago, DDT installed Ronna McDaniel as his personal chair of the GOP, and Friday, at a luxury Florida resort, she was unchallenged for her unanimous reelection. Eric and Donald Trump Jr’s friend Tommy Hicks Jr kept his co-chair position. All who attended praised DDT and supported the lies about antifa causing the devastation at the Capitol. Resolutions attack the news media and continue the conspiracy about voter fraud. With no mention of DDT inciting violence, the GOP claimed to be the party of law and order. The group preened about adding more minorities to its voting rolls and electing more women to the U.S. House while refusing to find any flaws in the party. DDT’s brief speech by phone and video received loud cheers. Yet VP Mike Pence was absent, and behind the scenes, a California committeewoman said, “Our name is mud.”

Despite the GOP determination to blame the antifa for the Capitol carnage, the FBI reported the followers had no involvement. AP research also disproves the lies of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), other conspiracy theorists, and conservative media. Well-known members of hate groups were identified at the siege, and the FBI is finding more by locating those who are selling stolen government property on the internet.

Several European security officials think DDT had support from U.S. federal agencies in letting the mob into the Capitol. A NATO source summarized the situation:

“The defeated president gives a speech to a group of supporters where he tells them he was robbed of the election, denounces his own administration’s members and party as traitors, and tells his supporters to storm the building where the voting is being held. The supporters, many dressed in military attire and waving revolutionary-style flags, then storm the building where the federal law-enforcement agencies controlled by the current president do not establish a security cordon, and the protesters quickly overwhelm the last line of police. The president then makes a public statement to the supporters attacking the Capitol that he loves them but doesn’t really tell them to stop.

“Today I am briefing my government that we believe with a reasonable level of certainty that Donald Trump attempted a coup that failed when the system did not buckle.”

A French police official questioned why the Capitol Police didn’t coordinate, as it routinely does before big demonstrations, with the federal Secret Service, and Park Police, and local Washington, D.C. law enforcement, sometimes with the National Guard on standby as they did at peaceful Black Live Matter protests. Another question was why the Capitol Police let the mob on the Capitol steps and arrested only 12 people. Police also ignored the crowd charging from DDT’s speech at the Ellipse to the Capitol after he told them to fight, a time when law enforcement could initiate control.

Another source talked about how the chaos helps China, Russia, Turkey and other “mini-dictators”:

“Thank God it didn’t work, because I can’t imagine how hard it would be to sanction the US financial system [diplomatic, military, and trade blockages usually reserved for dictatorships.] The broader damage around the world will be extensive in terms of reputation, and that’s why Putin doesn’t mind at all that Trump lost.”

DDT now says he regrets his promise of a smooth transition and backs down on condemning the violence. Instead, he claims he won’t concede. The mob at the Capitol was “about maintaining white power in America,” and DDT continues to support the goal.

September 12, 2020

DDT: Week 190 – More Struggles for White House

The busy week of Dictator Donald Trump (DDT) included lots of backlashes—Bob Woodward’s book Rage revealing more of DDT’s personal opinion than he would like; a continuation of his calling captured, wounded, and killed military members “losers” and “suckers”; the bad economy; his campaign woes; and people fighting back against DDT, to name a few.

But there’s more publicity about DDT:

Thursday, the day before the 9/11 anniversary, DDT told a rally audience Joe Biden would invite “terrorists” into the suburbs by allowing refugees into the U.S. On the same day, the Afghan government, under pressure by DDT, released high-value Taliban prisoners who killed U.S. troops. DDT bragged about how “very, very well” he is getting along at the Taliban.

Following the pattern of other agencies to produce fake news, HHS communications aides changed CDC reports to match DDT’s happy statements about beating COVID-19. After former DDT campaign official DHS assistant secretary for public affairs Mike Caputo took over, he and his deputies demanded pre-pub access to the weekly Morbidity and Mortality reports and altered the scientists’ statements. They also tried to delay and even stop the release of other reports. Caputo accused CDC of undermining DDT “to hurt” him. DDT’s message is the virus will “disappear” and the U.S. is “rounding the corner” although statistics show the opposite.  

DDT’s real infectious diseases expert Dr. Anthony Fauci has tired of being DDT’s parrot; he disagreed with DDT’s assessment and gave the figures shown by the nonpartisan Worldometer. Fauci called the numbers “disturbing.” He added, “A degree of normality … is going to be well into 2021, maybe even towards the end of 2021.” The high baseline at this time is of concern to Fauci because winter will make it worse. DDT’s resumed rallies are “absolutely” risky.

According to CDC—more reliable than DDT’s wishful thinking—adults eating at restaurants have contacted COVID-19 twice as much, and those going to bars three times more within two weeks prior to getting sick. Other activities didn’t show much of a difference, but wearing a mask cannot be effectively done while a person is eating or drinking.

The initial publicity for Woodward’s book about DDT stated 18 interviews, but Woodward said there’s a 19th interview—like waiting for a shoe to drop.

DDT’s Labor Department determined that a worker’s life is worth a little over $10 when Occupational Safety and Health Administration fined Smithfield’s South Dakota meatpacking plant $13,494 for at least 1,294 infections, 43 hospitalizations, and four deaths.

“I am hard pressed to identify any significant Trump decision during my tenure that wasn’t driven by reelection calculations,” DDT’s former national security adviser John Bolton wrote in his recent book. With tremendous disasters in three Democratic states on the West Coast, DDT has made no mention other than to criticize lack of forest management and the need to sweep the forest floors. His silence covers three major areas of DDT positions: hatred for Democratic states, ignorance of climate change science, and a total failure of personal empathy. He has a chance to make up the omission when he goes to California on Monday after a weekend of electioneering. His comments will be “interesting.”

Oregon is on fire, and DDT’s Defense Department sent 60 trained National Guard firefighters and six huge firefighting helicopters from Oregon to Afghanistan to move cargo. DDT’s lies about the danger of anarchists and antifa in Oregon have made the state’s fires worse. His supporters are waiting to shoot them. Portland videographer and Army veteran Gabriel Trumbly was the subject of social media along with his partner Jennifer Paulsen after the filmed the fire at Paulsen’s childhood home of Molalla, population 9,000. Social media posts claimed they were part of antifa, left-wing anti-fascists who DDT calls a “terrorist organization,” attempting to commit arson. Hundreds of comments to a post saying Trumbly and Paulsen had started a fire included “Send people out with guns!” Armed men pursued the couple. The Molalla Police Department supported the false rumor on its Facebook page by asking people to “report any suspicious activity” including “strange people.” A response, “Make them dig a grave then shoot them.” Among other sources, right-wing website the Biggs Report claimed antifa members were starting fires through the Pacific Northwest.

By now, most of the police have asserted the rumors are false, but a Clackamas County (OR) deputy continued to spread the false rumor and added that the “antifa” were attacking firefighters. The losing GOP candidate for U.S. Senator, Paul Romero, continued to tweet the lies and refused to remove them. A member of the students conservative organization Turning Point USA also passed along the lies about the arsonists. The group’s founder, Charlie Kirk, was the first speaker for DDT’s convention last month. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) struggled to explain their signs had no connection with Black Lives Matter. Facebook waited two days before it started removing the deadly false rumors.

The people threatening to kill the “antifa” may be the same people who believe God will protect them from COVID-19. They follow DDT’s approach of fear and blame—fear of losing physical and financial safety as well as “freedom” and “culture” by anyone who doesn’t look and act like the fearful. Yet, they are selective about God’s protection from a life-threatening pandemic but not the “vengeful mob” created by DDT.

In more lies from the White House, Katie Waldman, VP Mike Pence’s press secretary and racist Stephen Miller’s wife, pushed NBC reporter Julia Ainsley to falsify the report on known or suspected terrorists at the southern border. Waldman wanted the number 4,000 instead of the Customs and Border Protection report to Congress of six. Yes, six. Waldman told Ainsley she would discredit the reporter’s article because DHS has different numbers they won’t give Congress. Neither action happened, and Waldman refused comment on the record about the NBC report.

Publicly, GOP senators say they don’t pay attention to the news when asked about the revelations in Bob Woodward’s book Rage, or they believe he was trying to stop a panic. Privately, they’re upset about DDT talking to Woodward. Not about DDT’s lying—just his giving interviews proving he lies.

To fly agents to Washington last summer, DHS moved immigrant detainees from Arizona, Florida, and Texas facilities to Virginia because the government can’t charter planes to move only the agents who DDT wanted. The transfer caused infections in 399 inmates and killed a 72-year-old Canadian national. DHS also lied about the originating facilities being at capacity, and staff members in Virginia sometimes failed to wear masks and kept working after they were sick. A new GAO report stated the federal teams were part of DDT’s efforts to “dominate” racial equity demonstrations nationwide in Washington, Buffalo, New York, Houston, Dallas, San Diego, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. More recently, federal agents were sent to Kenosha (WI) and Portland (OR). D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser had not asked for help with the mostly peaceful protesters. As of last week, 5,670 cases of COVID-19 have been detected within the average daily detainee population of 24,208.

DDT’s campaign attacked Biden for “meandering along” when he visited the graveyard where his first wife, infant daughter, and military veteran son are buried after he attended religious services. Neither DDT nor anyone in his campaign apologized for the insensitivity despite angry responses, and the campaign didn’t remove the email

Last week, when DDT was asked why he didn’t try to negotiate with congressional Democratic leaders for a deal to help people hurting from COVID-19, he said, “I know my customers; that’s what I do.” He then said they wouldn’t make a deal “because they think it’s good for politics … good for the economy.” He claims, “I don’t need to meet with them to be turned down.” DDT thinks everyone follows his values and thought patterns. The people he should help are “customers”; everyone’s in it for themselves; and he’s positive they won’t negotiate.

Democratic leaders already passed the CARES Act to help people, came down $1 trillion dollars to negotiate the HEROES Act, and turned down the GOP bill because there was nothing in for people—just more for DDT and big business. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)’s $300 billion bill has no funding for individuals, cities and states, but it allows businesses to escape liability for irresponsibility with the virus and a tax credit for students to attend private schools.

South Carolina’s sample ballots left off Democratic candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris but included candidates for the Green, Alliance, and Libertarian parties in addition to GOP DDT.

James Spillane, a New Hampshire GOP representative, told his Facebook followers to burn and loot any houses with Black Lives Matter signs.

House Republican Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told an Axios reporter he tried to tell DDT his war on mail-in voting could cause the GOP to lose the 2020 election. Other congressional Republicans are privately concerned.

Always lower on the weekend, the 24-hour count for U.S. COVID-19 cases: 39,282 new cases (total 6,676,601); 707 new deaths (total 198,128).


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