Nel's New Day

January 28, 2024

DDT, the Probably GOP Presidential Candidate

By last week, Deposed Donald Trump (DDT) had gained under 227,000 votes in two states, 32 GOP delegates, with under one percent of the U.S. vote. Despite such a small minority of the 160 million registered voters in the U.S., the RNC launched the idea of making DDT the presumptive presidential nominee, throwing his opponent Nikki Haley under the bus in the remaining 48 states. The Republicans went so far as to draft a resolution to make DDT the “presumptive 2024 presidential nominee.” DDT, however, rejected the idea for the sake of “party unity,” so the RNC, following their leader, dropped it. In May 2026, then-RNC Chair Reince Priebus declared DDT the nominee before he won the requisite 1,215 delegates.

DDT’s strategy may be to force Nikki Haley out of the race to make it appear that he won fair and square. His New Hampshire “victory” speech was typically vicious, ridiculing her clothing and saying, “I don’t get too angry, I get even” after furiously talking about Haley’s speech. “She lost,” he announced. That speech also brought down ridicule on Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), who dropped out of the presidential race to worship DDT. In answer to DDT’s question about whether Scott’s endorsement for DDT means he really “hates” Haley, Scott just responded, “I just love you.”

Although four-term New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu supports Haley, he may be moving over to DDT. On social media, he delivered the MAGA party line:

“Rapist or crook or insurrectionist, never you mind. There’s nothing worse than a competent Democrat who’s a decent person and I’ll never ever vote for one. Otherwise the public will get ideas💡.”

DDT may try to cover himself with a patina of “fairness” by not being declared the GOP candidate at this time, but he continued to lie in his victory speech about winning both Iowa and New Hampshire three times. His myth goes back to his 2016 election when he met with senators to talk about Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court nomination. At the meeting, he declared he would have won New Hampshire—something he now falsely declares he did—if illegal votes were not cast by people “brought in on buses.” Politico reported “an uncomfortable silence” in the room. In Iowa this year, he lied about winning the state’s caucus three times; earlier he had said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) had won in 2016 through fraud.

Since Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) dropped out of the presidential race, DDT expects him to get him votes from Blacks. GOP strategist Brian Seitchik said that Scott has “strong ties into the African American community. Thus far, DDT’s campaign has only funding for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to get Black votes. About DDT, Scott said, “He likes everybody.” A strong majority still supports President Joe Biden, however, and only one-fourth of single Black men vote in general elections. DDT’s lack of support for police reform, especially after George Floyd’s murder in 2020, has offended many in the Black community.

The extreme cold weather and snow during the Iowa caucus produced what possibly could be the best campaign story ever. Laura Loomer, DDT’s staunch ally, spread the conspiracy theory that Nikki Haley controls the weather, “activating HAART to disrupt the Iowa Caucus.” Loomer doesn’t understand “how the incoming snow storm accelerated out of nowhere.” HAARP, the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, researches the ionosphere, about 30 to 600 miles above sea level.

DDT’s next problem may be the discovery by Barbara Jones, a special monitor appointed by the court in his $370 million financial fraud trial. Jones has raised questions about a possibly non-existent $48 million loan that DDT has claimed. The Trump Organization has no loan agreements for a loan supposedly between DDT, personally, and Chicago Unit Acquisition. The business states that the loan didn’t exist and would be removed from future forms to the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) and corporate financial statements. If true, the statement shows false financial statements DDT filed with the federal government in a claim that he personally owed one of his own companies. The Trump Organization’s lawyer, Alan Garten, said:

“That’s one of many inaccuracies contained in the monitor’s letter, which we will be addressing with the court. Yes, the loan existed.”

D.C. tax lawyer Martin Lobel also claimed tax evasion if Jones is correct.

In another recent revelation, Russian businessman Anton Postolnikov, nephew of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s former staffer, may have made millions from insider trading related to the parent company of DDT’s Truth Social platform. He loaned the money to DDT’s company through a Caribbean bank he owns that works with the pornography industry. Prosecutors have brought a fraud case against three other men from South Florida who pocketed $23 million from insider trading in a 2021 merger between Trump Media and Technology Group and the Miami (FL)-based Digital World Acquisition Corp.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, striving to be DDT’s vice-presidential choice, argued with Dana Bash on CNN’s State of the Union about immigration reform. Noem agreed with DDT that the proposed border deal, that she has not seen, is “terrible.”

After two Boeing 737 Max air crashes in 2018 and 2019, DDT granted a deferred prosecution agreement which required the company to “protect and detect violations of the U.S. fraud laws throughout its operations, including… those of its contractors and subcontractors.” The DOJ is in charge of determining whether Boeing breached this agreement. Two days before the agreement expired, the door plug blew out of an Alaska Airline Boeing 737 Max 9 plane 20 minutes after takeoff. The Boeing supplier, Spirit AeraSystems, may have committed fraud in allegedly falsifying records which hid “excessive” numbers of manufacturing defects.

During the past three years since the agreement, operators of 737 Max planes filed over 1,800 service difficulty reports about safety problems—all but 150 from Alaska Airlines. Problems include fuel leaks from misapplied sealant, malfunctioning stabilizing motors, debris in fuel tanks, engine stalls during takeoff, and malfunctioning anti-ice systems. Three other carriers are not submitting reports. Boeing is seeking an exemption to use an anti-ice system causing engine failure if operated for too long; 80 reports were filed about the system since the agreement. In December 2023, 1,160 737 Max planes were in operation.

Business leaders on Wall Street are pushing for DDT because he promises to lower their taxes. Financial Times columnist Edward Luce compared this support to FT’s glowing statement in the 1930s about the leader of fascist Italy:

“The country has been remodelled, rather than remade, under the vigorous architecture of its illustrious prime minister, Signor Mussolini.”

Luce wrote:

“America’s system remains intact because Trump was blocked from overturning it. He still claims the 2020 election was stolen and is running on the promise of jailing those who helped block him—among them Biden and Mark Milley, the then chairman of the U.S. joint chiefs of staff. It is conceivable that Trump would be too chaotic to redeem that promise. On the other hand, he would claim a mandate to do so. Perhaps the courts would stop him. U.S. business would be powerless.”

After a big fanfare about not donating to election deniers, U.S. CEOs have resumed their donations. Over two-thirds of Fortune 500 corporations with political action committees, 228 companies, gave $26.3 million to election deniers in the 2021-2024 election cycles. 

Business leaders indicated their support before DDT suggested a federal 60 percent tariff on all goods from China after recommending a ten percent tariff on almost all the $3 trillion in annual reports from around the world. Such an action would be far more disastrous than the damaging trade war in 2018 and 2019. According to Erica York, senior economist at the right-wing think tank Tax Foundation, the tariff proposal “threatens to upend and fragment global trade to an extent we haven’t seen in centuries.”

In November, China was the third-largest U.S. trading partner with 11.7 percent of U.S. foreign trade behind only Mexico and Canada. The Foundation reported that DDT’s tariffs, retained after he left the White House, reduced long-term wages by 0.14 percent and employment by 166,000 jobs. U.S. consumers and firms pay most of the tariffs, and ending permanent normal trade relations with China would cost the U.S. economy $1.6 trillion, losing over 700,000 jobs.

DDT has become so arrogant on the campaign trail that he even compared himself to pedophile priests. In Rochester (NH), he addressed his new favorite topic, that presidents should be able to commit whatever crimes they wish:

“It’s a little bit like the police. So you have a rogue cop, you know what a rogue cop is? Very seldom, but you have bad people, you have people, no matter where, no matter what…

“In the church, you have some people that aren’t so good, right? But you have a rogue cop, or a bad apple or whatever, and what they do is they make it so that you catch, so that it can’t happen… And therefore everyone else is allowed to commit crimes, murders, at levels that we’ve never seen before.

“No, we’re going to have to do this, immunity for the president. If you have a president that doesn’t have immunity, then he’s never going to be free to do anything because the opposing party will always indict him as soon as he leaves the White House.”

DDT’s bad makeup is drawing attention after the publication of this photo from Agence France-Presse (AFP) photojournalist Tannen Maury at a DDT rally in Clinton (IA) on January 6, 2024. DDT pays over $70,000 a year for his makeup jobs.



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